Reminders of the Beloved

The air was filled with excitement on the 7th of October 2022 as SURM students and staff commemorated the birth of the Prophet SAW with a maulid gathering. Some highlights from the celebration included Qasidah performances by the banin students, heartfelt poetry dedications from the banat students and exciting games that inculcated the sunnahs of the Prophet SAW.

“The maulid has been one of the best experiences I had in SURM as I was heavily involved in its preparation. It was exciting as I could watch my friends perform beautiful qasidah. Following that, Ustaz gave an enlightening sharing on the different Qiraat of the Quran. The celebration was also energised with games! We had a scavenger hunt and had to search high and low for items highlighted some of the Prophet SAW’s sunnah. For example, we had to gather items like siwak and tasbih made of wood. I really enjoyed the maulid as it reminded me of our Beloved Prophet SAW and I feel much closer to him through such events.”

– Haneen Insyirah Binti Mirsan, Secondary 5


Badan Agama Dan Pelajaran Radin Mas (BAPA) or Religious & Educational League Of Radin Mas, is a non-profit social organisation formed in 1957 and was registered as a society on the 6th of Aug 1960. Our original objectives was to uplift the education and economic status of the residence of Radin Mas district by providing access to affordable education, both religious and academic.

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