The Road Ahead: Getting to Know Our SURM Alumni

Graduated SURM from Class of 2014, Md Huzaifah Bin Izhar is currently a full-time Senior Youth Development Officer at Assyafaah Mosque, managing youth outreach programmes for North District mosques in Singapore. Huzaifah is also a loving husband and father and is presently completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Hadith from Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU).

What are some memorable moments you had in SURM?

Being a student in SURM was the turning point of my life. Prior to SURM, I was only exposed to the traditional tahfiz system in other countries. When I enrolled in SURM, I was thankful to be provided my first experience of formal education where I could learn other academic subjects, yet still prioritise my tahfiz education. Alhamdullilah, among the most memorable moments were the opportunities given to me to represent SURM in local and international events such as Musabaqah competitions. And, on a less serious note our overseas camping at Nur Laman Bestari was really unforgettable. My batch was the first to graduate from SURM in 2014, with only 8 students. I am truly thankful to Allah for helping SURM grow to what is it now, Alhamdullilah.


What motivated you to aim for excellence during your time in SURM?

One of the important pillars of support I had in SURM was Ustaz Mihdhar who was my tahfiz teacher. His influence on me was so great that I wanted to dress like him and follow in his example. I also always looked forward to Ustaz Jalal’s Arabic class because of his seriousness in teaching. I usually absorb better in serious classroom settings. I am also greatly thankful to Teacher Safiaton who was patient and passionate in ensuring we excelled in our studies.


How has your education in SURM influenced your present life?

Because there was great emphasis on memorising Al-Quran in SURM and receiving the title of being an Al-Hafiz or Asatizah, I feel a great responsibility in upholding that trust given. It is not easy but I am grateful to be reminded of the blessing I have of tahfiz education.



Badan Agama Dan Pelajaran Radin Mas (BAPA) or Religious & Educational League Of Radin Mas, is a non-profit social organisation formed in 1957 and was registered as a society on the 6th of Aug 1960. Our original objectives was to uplift the education and economic status of the residence of Radin Mas district by providing access to affordable education, both religious and academic.

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