The Road Ahead: Getting to Know Our SURM Alumni
Graduating from SURM in the Class of 2017, Nur Zahirah Md Fairoz is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Aqidah and Religious Studies from the University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
Leaving SURM, what motivated you to pursue your current field of study?
Aqidah, believing in the Onenesss of Allah SWT is a fundamental core for all Muslims. Through my studies, I have received the opportunity to be exposed to different sectors of Muslims globally and how they perceive aqidah. Despite it being a core belief for all Muslims, it is important that I study how aqidah can be a challenge for contemporary Muslims and how I can approach my dakwah to these communities.
Who were your pillars of support during your time in SURM?
I have so many, alhamdullilah! Firstly, my quran teacher of 6 years, Ustazah Mardhiyah, never failed to support me. Ustaz Jallaludin Rumi was a great influence on me to pursue Aqidah studies. Teacher Haseenah and Teacher Safiaton where also great teachers that constantly motivated me. I am also thankful to my principal, Ustaz Amirullah, who accepted me into SURM even though I was from a national school. May Allah bless all of them, Insya Allah.
How do you think the focus of Al-Quran in SURM contributed in your current studies?
From SURM, I learnt that Al-Quran is the key to success. When I was memorising the Quran, it actually opened up so much knowledge to me. Because I have memorised the Quran, I could easily relate to the other Islamic studies as I could always refer to the Quran as the fundamental answer to the questions that I have.
Do you have any words of motivation for your juniors?
Do not take your time in SURM for granted as it gives you the blessing of Ilm. After graduating, to this day I still remember all the knowledge I have learnt. SURM is blessed with sincere and compassionate teachers and I hope all my juniors are able to appreciate and cherish them as much as I have, Insya Allah.
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